Catalysts of Innovation

Catalysts of innovation, sometimes referred to as mavericks suited in an entrepreneurial spirit, gather in many communities.  Some of them solve old problems with new perspectives, while others look at today’s technology break throughs and consider alternative implementations.

In October I had the opportunity to spend two weeks in Israel meeting thought leaders and innovators and captured their perspectives.  One, Yanki Margalit Chairman & CEO of Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd, was the keynote speaker at EMC’s Annual Innovation Conference.  He took us on a journey as he explored sustainability in a global economy. The question he raises asks us to think long and hard about what magic (i.e. technology) will be needed to ensure a global population of 7 Billion people can live with the same level of comfort, food, and life style that we enjoy today.

Yanki Margalit Speaking at EMC’s 6th Annual Innovation Conference

As he states, “We haven’t seen nothing yet” when we consider today’s innovations around computing and artificial intelligence, genomics, brain research, nanotech, sustainable and clean energy, robotics space exploration and social connectivity.  He asks us to think to the future and consider these possibilities: I could have my own DNA lab, I could sequence my own genome (become a cat), I could generate my electricity, I could build my own lunar spaceship robot, and perhaps I could even print my own money. Join me by going to this video link as we learn more about these “possibilities”.

Yanki Margalit Keynote at EMC Innovation Conference

Yanki Margalit Keynote at EMC Innovation Conference – Part 2

Yanki Margalit Keynote at EMC Innovation Conference – Part 3

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